Hollywood Actress Penelope Cruz beautiful wallpapers

Name: Penelope Cruz Sanchez
Nickname: Madonna of Madrid, Pe
Height: 5’6’’ (1.68m)
Date of Birth: 28 April, 1974
Birth place: Madrid, Spain

Penelope Cruz was born on April 28, 1974 in San Sebastain de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain. Her father Eduardo and mother Encama worked as a car mechanic and hairdresser. Penelope Cruz was born as the eldest of tree. As a natural actress, she took up dance for her choice of performance arts. She studied classical ballet at Spain’s National Conservatory, at nine years old and moved to New York to dance a series of Prominent Performers.

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Hollywood Actress Penelope Cruz beautiful wallpapers Hollywood Actress Penelope Cruz beautiful wallpapers Reviewed by Upcoming Models on 3:49 AM Rating: 5

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