Sherlyn Chopra's sharing has been video of Upcoming film Kamasutra 3D to in trouble. The film's director RupeshPaul Sherlyn they are expelled from thefilm. The film's director thinks that Sherlyn rather than Hollywood actress Eva Longoria or Mila Kunis in the film. Rupesh Paul displeased that Sherlyn Chopra She photo shoot video uploaded on You Tube without asking and the images uploaded on social networking sites. All the people associated with this film are annoyed of Sherlyn Chopra unprofessional behavior and they are now planninganother actress. Currently Eva Longoria and Mila Kunis being discussed name. Kama Sutra ismore popular in Indiathan in othercountries. So no matter of theactress she is Indian or American.
Sherlyn said that ''I was left to tellabout it already. It also says that she would like not apologize for the video to be uploaded. It isnothing wrong.''
Sherlyn Chopra out of Kamasutra 3D ?
Reviewed by Upcoming Models
10:05 AM
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