Sherlyn Chopra is first Indian on Playboy cover

Sherlyn Chopra will be the first Indian 'Playboy Cover Girl'.
Rakhi Sawant and Sambhavna Seth such as the Girl are now out of date items. Currently the generation of hot girls like Poonam Pandey and Rozlyn Khan. But everyone has to tweak the Sherlyn Chopra. Sherlyn Chopra reached the Playboy Mansion. Wonder it? Sherlyn do not like the sound of other item Girls. She is uploading the photo with playboy supremo Hugh Hefner on twitter. Sherlyn Chopra will be the first Indian 'Playboy Cover Girl'.

Sherlyn Chopra With Hugh Hefner

Sherlyn Chopra With Hugh Hefner

Sherlyn Chopra is first Indian on Playboy cover Sherlyn Chopra is first Indian on Playboy cover Reviewed by Upcoming Models on 3:17 PM Rating: 5

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