Super Star Mahesh Babu’s new untitled film in the direction of Sukumar has recently completed its first schedule of shooting. In the first schedule the film unit was shot a song on lead pair Mahesh And Kajal Agarwal and some action sequences in Annapurna Studios, Hyderabad. The second schedule of the film starts from end of this month. Meanwhile, Mahesh is going to join in the shooting of his new multi-starrer film "Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu" and he will rejoins in the film’s shoot on May 12th.
Mahesh is is going to appear in a new look in this untitled film.This untitled film is being produced by 14 Reels Entertainment banner.Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for this film.
Mahesh is is going to appear in a new look in this untitled film.This untitled film is being produced by 14 Reels Entertainment banner.Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for this film.
Mahesh-Sukmar’s film latest updates!
Reviewed by Upcoming Models
11:53 AM
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