Imran Khan & Kareena Kapoor are romote their upcoming movie 'Gori Tere Pyaar Mein' now a days. Recently Imran Khan & Kareena Kapoor on the sets of Comedy Nights with Kapil comedy show to promote their upcoming movie 'Gori Tere Pyaar Mein' upcoming Bollywood Hindi movie. Recently Hrithik Roshan and father Rakesh Roshan spotted at the press conference for #Krrish3 in Indore while daily releasing BRAND NEW POSTER OF RAM-LEELA are sufficient for Deepika Padukone and Ranveer singh.
Imran Khan & bollywood actress, Indian Actress, Kareena Kapoor on the sets of Comedy Nights with KapilImran Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Promotions,
Imran Khan & Kareena Kapoor on the sets of Comedy Nights with Kapil
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1:40 PM
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